Thursday, 14 August 2008

Silicon Forex Review

Silicon Forex Review

Silicon Forex is a brand new automated Forex robot to hit the market, set up as an expert advisor for the MetaTrader4 Forex platform. Silicon Forex needs no human interaction at all to operate. Yes, it's a plug-and-play Forex robot that enters (and exits) trades completely on autopilot. You could call it "set-and-forget" software.

The software focuses mostly on Euro against American Dollar trading, and its' track record over the last three years shows that the win/loss ratio for Silicon Forex has been 75%. That is, 3 out of 4 trades ended up in profit. What these numbers tell us is that the Silicon Forex expert advisor yields a positive trading expectancy, which should be your number one requirement for trading Forex profitably in the long run.

Go here to read a more in-depth review